日本語版 Japanese movie
英語版 English movie

由利本荘市 Yurihonjo City


Honkai Lion dance performance by Sarukura religious association

 江戸時代初期 寛永年間に京都醍醐三宝院に属する修験者本海行人が旧鳥海町と旧矢島町の各村々に獅子舞や神楽を伝えたと言われている。修験的な行事を取り入れた獅子舞と番楽と称する48番の芸能を総称し「本海獅子舞番楽」と呼び、13地区で伝承されている。正月の幕開きからはじまり、虫追い、盆獅子、作祭りなどで舞われている。本映像の演目「剣之舞」は修験流の荒々しい舞で猿倉講中だけに見られる。(国指定重要無形民俗文化財)

The beginning of the Edo period, so called the Kan-ei period, Shugenja; a monk who leads an ascetic life in a mountain, who belonged to Kyoto Daigo Sanpo temple taught Shishi-mai; lion dance and Kagura; Shinto music and dance, to each village in old Chokai town and old Yashima town.
Honkai Shishi-mai Bangaku is composed of lion dance which contains ascetic events and Bangaku, or the 48th of entertainment. This Bangaku is still played in 13 places around the area.
The very first program is held on new year days and then people dance Mushi-Oi, Bon-Shishi, and Saku-odori. The program in the video is called “Ken-no Mai; the dance of swords” in which people dance in an ascetic and aggressive way. People play the dance only for Sarukura-Kochu. (An important intangible folk cultural asset in Japan)

Filmed at Hottai falls (Scenic spots designated by the prefecture)
