日本語版 Japanese movie
英語版 English movie

能代市 Noshiro City


Nebu Nagashi festival in Noshiro city


The event held in Nebu Nagashi of Noshiro city, which is also called “Yakutanabata,” is a traditional event held during summer. People carry huge castle-shaped lanterns with Shachihoko, a fabulous dolphinlike fish that were traditionally used to decorate the roof ridges of a Japanese castle. This event has been held for more than one thousand years since the Edo period through what’s called a Gomachi-gumi system, a type of rotating community association. Currently, it is composed of Omachi-gumi, Kanmachi-gumi Aramachi-gumi, Seisukemachi-gumi, and Yanagimachi-gumi. On the first of August, people open up the meeting place. On the sixth and seventh they parade the huge lanterns around the city and then in the evening of seventh, the lanterns are burnt and released in Yoneshiro river, which is called “Shachi Nagashi.” Audiences are impressed by the magnificent lantern into the night sky. (This event is registered as Akita’s selected intangible properties of folk culture.) Filmed at old Japanese style restaurant, Kanayu (a tangible cultural property registered by Japan)
