日本語版 Japanese movie
英語版 English movie

羽後町 Ugo Town


Nishimonai Bon Dance Festival


Nishimonai Bon Dance Festival is an important intangible folk cultural asset that has been handed down in Nishimonai, Ugo town. The dance originated as a ceremonious display that called for a good harvest and was introduced by a trainee monk named Gen-shin about 700 years ago. This dance was combined with another one performed by a surviving retainer of the Onodera tribe during a memorial service for a lord of Nishimonai castle. This event is held from August 16th to 18th. Men and women of all ages dance while wearing indigo-dyed Yukata, low wicker hats, brilliant top-stitched clothes, and Hikosa-zukin, a type of hood worn in remembrance of the deceased. They dance to and fro around the bonfire. Filmed at the house of Suzuki (an important cultural property designated by Japan)
