日本語版 Japanese movie
英語版 English movie

男鹿市 Oga City


Oga’s Namahage


Namahage is one of the folk events held every New Year’s Eve around Oga city. It is registered UNESCO Intangible cultural heritage as “A visitor god: Gods with masks and disguises.” Young volunteers are selected from the community to wear Kede/Kera (a type of raincoat made of straw and linen) and original masks, allowing them to possess the soul of gods. With dignified behaviour, they visit each house, loudly growl, hit the door, and stamp their feet. This sequence of steps is done to exorcise evil spirits, ward off disasters, and encourage good luck throughout the next year, such as good family health and bountiful harvests. It is said that if you put strap straw from the Kede/Kera onto your body, you can benefit from its power, receiving such blessings as good health and recovery from illness. Filmed at Gosya-do shrine (an important cultural property designated by Japan) Shinzan shrine (a tangible cultural property designated by Akita prefecture)
