日本語版 Japanese movie
英語版 English movie

鹿角市 Kazuno City


Kemonai Bon Dance festival


Kemanai Bon Dance Festival is held at Komose street from August 21st to 23rd. In 1998, the festival was designated as an important intangible folk cultural asset by Japan. Besides, it is said to be one of the biggest Bon Dance festivals in Akita prefecture. It was confirmed with some documents that the festival had already been held in the middle of the Edo period.
The festival is composed of Ono-Saka and Jinku. People dance Ono-Saka to music by big drums and flutes while people dance Jink with only people singing, not with any musical instruments. For both of them, people dance elegantly around a bonfire.

Filmed at Oyu Stone Circles (An intangible cultural heritages designated by UNESCO)
